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How do I switch Roadrunner to Gmail?
How do I switch Roadrunner to Gmail?
2 posts
Jan 04, 2022
2:06 AM
Here are guidelines for setting up Gmail to gather mail from your letter drop at Twc Email Login(change). This way the entirety of your messages will show up to your Gmail post box, helpfully recorded in one focal spot.
Tip: click each progression later you perform it, to check that it's finished.
Go to your Gmail record and sign in with your email and secret key whenever asked to. Click on the cogwheel symbol at the upper right corner of the page, and select "Settings" in the menu that opens. Click on the "Records" tab, and afterward on the "Add a mail account" connect as displayed beneath: Screen capture - add POP3 email account Enter your full roadrunner.com email login address in the window that opens, and snap on the "Following" button. In the following stage, select the "Import messages from my other record (POP3)" choice and snap "Next". Enter your full email address again in the "Username" field. Enter the secret phrase to your roadrunner.com email account in the "Secret phrase" field. Significant: select the choice to "Leave a duplicate of recovered message on the server". Screen capture - set username and secret phrase Enter pop.roadrunner.com in the "POP Server" field. Screen capture - set POP server Click the "Add Account" button. Presently click the "No" choice on the following screen lastly, click the "Finish" button.
Also here: att/yahoo email login & login att email
1 post
Jan 20, 2022
1:01 AM
Anxiety in women's cancer
modafinil interactions ?»?Do women suffer more from cancer because they are women? That is the question we will try to answer from studies about mood changes and anxiety in women's cancer. This will help us to determine whether approaching cancer from a gender perspective can be beneficial for those who have to face it. Cancer, in any of its different forms, is a stressful life situation that can touch every aspect of the sufferer's life. There are many factors that can influence a person's experience of cancer: their family and social support, age, the resources they can count on, etc. The scientific literature has also found that gender can also influence the suffering of the person experiencing the disease. Men's and women's cancer: they are not the sameThe sensitivity to the type of cancer is different between men and women, and the nature of the cancer may be relevant to understand why the gender perspective is necessary. Borr? s (2015) exposes how gynecological tumors, where breast cancer is included, account for 40% of all tumors in women. In the case of men, 22 % of tumors are attributable to prostate cancer, followed by lung and colorectal cancer. Similarly, we also find differences in the survival rate in cancers suffered by men and those suffered by women. In fact, in the most typical cancer in women - breast cancer - there is a survival rate of 83.8% five years later (in Spain). However, while survival in prostate cancer is 84.7%, in lung cancer these odds drop to 10%. Lung cancer accounts for 50% of all tumors in men. Therefore, it appears that women with cancer die less often than men with the disease, although the conditions are not the same. Breast cancer and its requirementsBreast cancer is one of the leading causes of death in women, but it does seem to be relevant to its treatment. The conditions vary, and therefore, the demands of each one are also different. In the specific case of breast cancer, the most common cancer among women, it also involves a series of very different characteristics in which gender - understanding gender as a social and cultural category - seems to have an important role to play. According to Cani?§ali, Gon?§alvez, Pire, Costa and Costa (2012), breast cancer involves changes in lifestyle caused by physical discomfort and altered self-image concept. These authors observe how women suffering from breast cancer also have low self-esteem and a significant decrease in their sexual libido. Other studies presented by these authors suggest that there is a prevalence of clinically significant symptoms of anxiety and depression in breast cancer patients. They expose symptoms such as tension, nonspecific fear and diffuse worries. Women's worries in the preoperative phaseOlivares (2004) studies psychological aspects in gynecological cancer. One of them, anxiety, proved to be a predictor of women's recovery after undergoing surgery. Anxiety in women's cancer becomes relevant because, according to this researcher, patients with higher levels of preoperative anxiety presented greater pain and discomfort in the postoperative period, required more medication and longer hospital stay. Salmon (1992), as reflected by Olivares (2004), found a positive relationship between preoperative anxiety and postoperative anxiety. He also finds a positive linear association with postoperative depression. To understand women's cancer anxiety in women, it is necessary to study what are the specific concerns of a woman with cancer. Although it seems obvious, and the disease is in itself a source of stress and fears, the truth is that studies such as that of Mota, Aldana, Boh??rquez, Mart?nez and Peralta (2018) approach the factors that generate anxiety in women with cancer. Among them, we can highlight: Perception of closeness of death. Erroneous beliefs about cancer. Anticipation of one's own suffering. Anticipation of suffering of family and friends. Feeling of loss of control. Crisis in their beliefs and need to transcend. Lack or excess of care and/or stimulation. Medical conditions: loss of vitality, nausea, anorexia and vomiting. Depending on the time of the disease and the type of cancer, anxiety is different among women. For example, those who have undergone a mastectomy report frustration, sadness, anxiety disorders and depression. Breast cancer anxiety, according to these authors, is what often restricts a woman's social, family and personal life. Body image and sexuality after cancerIn addition to the anxiety in women's cancer, which is conditioned by the disease itself, in the case of gynecological cancers, physiological changes play an essential role in their subsequent well-being. According to Garc?a-Viniegras and Gonz??lez (2007), self-confidence, emotional stability, strength, positive affectivity and self-esteem condition a person's well-being during their life cycle. After cancer, many women lack some of these factors. Sebasti??n, Manos, Bueno and Mateos (2007) state that, although cancer in general usually involves surgery and leaves, in many cases, physical sequelae, the physical changes in breast cancer have important psychosocial connotations for women. This occurs because of the importance given to the breast in understanding a woman's feminine identity. Many women feel, for example, that the loss of a breast is also a loss of femininity. Breasts also seem to play a crucial role in the ability to attract and to have sexual relations. The latter are almost always affected after surgery or treatment. Problems in sexuality, only in breast cancer?sadness, image and sexuality problems and anxiety in women's cancer can be expressed in all gynecological conditions, not only in breast cancer. Olivares (2005) speaks of depressive symptoms, anxiety and chronic sexual problems five years after treatment in women with cervical cancer; or of 55% of women with sexual difficulties and 33% of women who no longer have sexual relations after endometrial cancer. Conclusions: is anxiety an indicator of complications? each medical treatment implies different circumstances for the patient. We have observed that fear, sadness, anxiety and lack of self-esteem are common elements in gynecological cancers. Not only that, but these changes in the psychological plane of the person can influence the development of the disease. Therefore, it seems relevant to attend to the psychological and emotional needs of the woman with cancer, in a differentiated manner, in a gynecological cancer. The treatment should not only include chemotherapy, but also measures to help control or combat the anxiety felt before the interventions; psychoeducation programs to falsify such harmful myths as that a woman's sexuality and femininity are to be found in her breasts or vagina; and to establish the acquisition of confidence and self-esteem as one of the objectives within the treatment itself. The final objective has to be the well-being, not only physical, but global, of the woman. You may be interested in...
Treatments for female sexual dysfunctions The treatments for female sexual dysfunctions are varied depending on the problem. Here is how to carry them out. What elements make a group more and stronger cohesive? The 4 keys to well-being, according to Richard J. Davidson Myths and truths ab a78e2e6
2 posts
Jan 20, 2022
3:49 AM
The Family Tree: A Tool for Growth and Healing [IMG]https://lamenteesmaravillosa.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/arbol-genealogico.jpg[/IMG] [url=https://www.rxshopmd.com/products/antinarcoleptic/buy-modafinil-modalert/]modafinil buy online[/url] ?»?A family tree is more than just a drawing and an accumulation of data, dates and family histories. It can be a very powerful tool for understanding and healing a person's circumstances and problems. Perhaps it is far from being a healing tool, as some advocate. However, the truth is that it can provide us with valuable information about our origin and explain in some way where we come from. Some currents even dare to claim that through knowledge of the family tree we can discover how the family unconscious interacts with the personal unconscious. "If one does not know one's history, one knows nothing: it is like being a leaf and not knowing that one is part of the tree." -Michael Crichton A bit of history... It was in the 1960s when a number of psychoanalysts emerged in Europe for whom therapy focused on awareness of the repetition of conflicts and difficulties within the family. Their therapeutic approach included a transgenerational approach. In the 1970s, "psychogenealogy" was born. This is a method of psychoanalysis which emphasizes the relationship of the origin of the person's problems with situations not resolved by their ancestors. Psychogenealogy considers that simply by becoming aware of these problems, the liberation or resolution of these problems is produced. Within the psychogenealogy we can find Anne Sch??tzenberger, Didier Dumas, Jodorowsky, Bert Hellinger... In the last thirty years, within the psychotherapeutic field, the concept of "family unconscious" has been revalued. Ancient Eastern philosophical thoughts have been reconsidered, emphasizing the influence that our ancestors could have on our lives or the strength of certain people in the family network. Today the family tree is used, and is part of the clinical history, as a tool in multiple disciplines: psychotherapy, psychiatry, medicine, social work, education.... "Psychogenealogy is based on the premise that certain unconscious behaviors are transmitted from generation to generation and prevent the subject from self-realization, so for an individual to become aware of them and be able to disassociate himself from them, it is necessary to study his family tree". Why make a family tree? Making a family tree can be a very pleasant activity: discovering who we are and where we come from. To investigate who our ancestors were, to know where they came from, what they did... This activity can become a nice hobby. In addition, it constitutes a whole source of studies called genealogy. Regarding the elaboration and study of our family tree, it can help us in many aspects such as: Transforming the way we see and understand our family. To elaborate duels that perhaps we were not able to do at the time. To know a part of our medical antecedents observing the diseases that our ancestors have suffered. Observe graphically if our beliefs, fears and blockages are related to family dynamics and transgenerational inheritances. Connect with our spirituality. When you know and understand your own past, you enhance your grounding while connecting with something greater. By feeling that we are part of a chain, we become more aware of how small we are. Accessing information that at a conscious level we cannot see and yet at an unconscious level can continue to manifest. "He who forgets his history is condemned to repeat it." -Marcus Tullius Cicero How is a family tree elaborated? To elaborate a family tree we can start collecting data by asking and interviewing our relatives. Then we can continue reviewing documents, photographs, pictures, civil registries, newspaper libraries with historical archives, Internet, etc. The data that we can look for and write down in the tree are the following: Names and surnames. Important dates: births, marriages, deaths, migrations... Causes or circumstances of deaths. Professions. How were the relationships between the different members of the family (rivalries, friendships, privileges...)? What qualities did our ancestors stand out for Significant events: handicaps, parallel love stories, anecdotes of different kinds... The most important symptoms and illnesses of the members of the family tree. "Unmade duels, unshed tears, family secrets, unconscious identifications and invisible family loyalties walk over the children and descendants. What is not expressed in words is expressed in pains." -Anne Ancelin Sch??tzenberger Once we have the tree, how do we interpret it? Interpreting a family tree means doing a "transgenerational analysis". Through this analysis we can identify unresolved conflicts, unresolved grief, behavioral patterns... The key issue in the interpretation of the family tree is "awareness" and the identification of possible "programs". For this it can be enormously productive to do this task in collaboration with someone. "Having a family tree and not studying it is like having a treasure map and not going for it." -Alexander Jodorowsky It is complicated for the family tree to give us an answer without first having generated a question; however, on many occasions curiosity can produce both phenomena (question and answer) simultaneously. It is common to elaborate or consult a family tree when we have certain concerns about different issues (emotions, circumstances, blockages, diseases ...). In other words, it is good to analyze the tree by asking specific questions. Getting the answers and discovering their links can be a deep and exciting work. A real process of personal development. With it we will be able to answer a fundamental question: where do we come from and how does it condition us? "The roots of a person are not physical objects that cling to the earth like those of trees. Roots are carried inside. They are the tentacles that extend along our nerve endings and keep us whole. They go with you wherever you go, wherever you live." -Luz Gab??s In short, the elaboration and study of a family tree can be an exciting activity that we can all do at some point in our lives. According to experts, its vision and understanding is already healing in itself, beyond what we can do with that information afterwards. So why not give it a try? "No one exists alone, no one lives alone. We all are what we are because others were what they were." -Julio Medem- You might be interested in...
5 emotional wounds from childhood that persist when we are adults. The emotional wounds of childhood can condition adult life. Therefore, it is essential to heal them to regain our balance and well-being. [url=https://g6hentai.com/forums/showthread.php?13313-Doing-nothing-during-confinement-the-vindication-of-leisure-and-laziness&p=153182#post153182]Doing nothing during confinement: the vindication of leisure and laziness.[/url] [url=http://omgus.firecaster.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=276&t=3146&p=108414#p108414]Small pleasures, big moments[/url] [url=http://chongzhou.pub/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=9554&pid=63496&page=14&extra=#pid63496]9 relaxation games to raise emotionally strong children[/url] 7d1420_
3 posts
Jan 23, 2022
2:34 AM
The positive side of anger [IMG]https://lamenteesmaravillosa.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/tristeza.jpg[/IMG] [url=https://www.rxshopmd.com/products/antinarcoleptic/buy-modafinil-modalert/]modafinil overnight shipping[/url] ?»?Things can be positive or negative depending on how you look at them. While it is true that anger has a very bad press and has dug its own pit, as is popularly said, we have to learn to see the good side of this emotion. Did you know that there is a positive side to getting angry? Of course there is, as long as things are balanced, there are no problems. It is not always negative to have anger, and expressing it correctly can help us avoid many problems and even illnesses. Anger is in a higher degree than simple anger or anger, although in many cases these three words are often used as synonyms. In a recent investigation in relation to anger, it is indicated that although we tend to think that this emotion is negative, primitive and does us no good, in reality, this is not so. As I said at the beginning, everything bad always hides some good (imagine the Yin Yang symbol, for example). Anger is not only used to make us feel bad, to get into unnecessary fights, to say things that we will later regret and not measure the consequences of our actions, but it can also benefit us if we know how to use it to our advantage. However, anger has been condemned for years, as something bad, destructive, that it was necessary to repress, divert or hide. Even today we still maintain that idea and we try by all means not to show when we are angry. We believe that anger is something unreasonable, unmentionable and unshowable. What are the benefits of expressing anger? As with all emotions, anger also has its responsibilities, purposes and reasons for existing. It can be used for good purposes, don't you think? Now you will know why we are saying this: First of all, being angry is a force that motivates you. How many times has it happened to you that after getting really angry about something you changed it or worked to make it better? Anger is a way to open up or break down the mental and emotional barriers we put up to keep ourselves from doing different things. If something makes us angry, we are likely to fix it. Secondly, it has been proven that people who live in anger are more optimistic. Yes, just as you read, although it may sound strange. People who get angry about something specific, as mentioned before, are the ones who take more action, as it is often expressed. That is why they know when something can work out in the future and become less pessimistic. The third benefit of anger is that this feeling can help us relate to others. Since anger is a way of communicating what we feel, especially when it comes to what we consider unfair, it is an excellent way to explain to others what we think or feel. We are often taught from an early age that anger is bad and dangerous and therefore should be hidden. However, if we gave ourselves the opportunity to express anger, there would be fewer problems. Hiding when we disagree with something or someone hurts any relationship. Did you know that anger allows us to get to know each other better? That's right, because it gives us an idea of how we really are, how we react to things that happen. It gives us very valuable information if we know how to use it intelligently, it helps us to form an opinion of ourselves and to understand our lives a little better. It can also be a wonderful way to motivate one's own change. Fifth, anger serves to reduce violence. You may have been puzzled by this statement, and you may have read the sentence again. We have not made a mistake. As indicated in another of the previous points, anger has to do with the desire to solve problems, with not accepting what is unfair and with seeking a solution for each situation. Finally, anger can be used as a good strategy in negotiations. Many people use this feeling to get what they want. While we cannot claim that this is legitimate, it is perhaps another of the positive characteristics of anger that is worth exploring. [url=https://kiukofficial.boards.net/thread/7/big-bang-members-invest-affiliates?page=41#scrollTo=625]Megarexia: obese people who look slim[/url] [url=https://altcoins.lol/showthread.php?tid=81791&pid=124641#pid124641]No time[/url] [url=http://cadets.wycombeaircadets.org/smf/index.php?topic=79198.new#new]In spite of the wrinkles, we will continue to look for each other with our eyes.[/url] 6cf82fe
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Jan 24, 2022
1:31 AM
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Jan 25, 2022
2:27 AM
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Carcasa telefonului in general este buna. Manerele sunt bune, iar aceasta a fost scapata de doua ori si a ramas impreuna. Per ansamblu, o carcasa foarte buna, cu exceptia partilor laterale care incep deja sa se cojeasca. O carcasa buna pentru banii cheltuiti totusi! Aceasta este a doua carcasa de la aceasta companie. Este a 2-a doar pentru ca am trecut de la un android la un iPhone. imi place aceasta carcasa pentru ca este robusta si rezista bine. Am avut primul meu caz mult timp si nu am avut niciodata probleme. Singurele dezavantaje sunt ca nu poti pune un incarcator MagSafe pe ea pentru ca nu va adera la ea si o priza pop trebuie sa treaca sub gaura, altfel nu se va lipi. Nu am facut cercetari, dar imi imaginez ca exista un incarcator MagSafe care s-ar potrivi in gaura, dar nu este cel pe care l-am cumparat, asa ca a trebuit sa fie returnat. Dar daca sunteti in cautarea unei carcase robuste si durabile care arata bine, aceasta este cea pe care ar trebui sa o cumparati. Aceasta este o carcasa de telefon frumoasa, dar dupa 2 zile a inceput sa se desprinda... literalmente folosit doar cazul pentru 4 zile... pentru ca a inceput sa ma irite imi place ca aceasta carcasa are o bara de protectie frontala groasa pentru a proteja ecranul de caderi! Este greu sa gasesti carcase care sa protejeze cu adevarat ecranul frontal fara a avea si un protector de sticla incorporat. Din moment ce aveam deja un protector de ecran, acesta este perfect pentru a proteja marginile de sticla din fata! si este atat de draguta! Folosesc acest tip de husa de ani de zile pe iPhone-urile mele si le ador. Cu toate acestea, aceasta pentru iPhone-ul meu 13 max pro nu vrea sa ramana pe ea continua sa vina pe facut pe partile laterale si intotdeauna imi scap telefonul, motiv pentru care am nevoie de o carcasa grozava. Prima data cand mi-am scapat noul meu telefon, protectorul camerei de pe el s-a rupt. Acest caz este frumos la fel ca in poze, dar ziua 2 vopseaua a fost purtat. Sunt foarte atent cu telefonul meu. Ultima mea carcasa a durat 3 ani si abia daca avea uzura cand am dat telefonul la schimb. Nu as cumpara din nou. Mi s-a parut ca cauciucul era fragil, iar carcasa dura parea decolorata. Nu era ascutita si indrazneata. Exact ceea ce aveam nevoie pentru noul meu iPhone 13 pro max & iubesc culorile care sunt fidele fotografiilor. [IMG]https://www.trustedreviews.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/54/2020/09/DSCF0841-scaled.jpg[/IMG]
4 posts
Jan 25, 2022
3:28 AM
Eudaimonia and hedonism: two ways of experiencing happiness. ?»?Brother bear, an example of personal growth [IMG]https://lamenteesmaravillosa.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/kenai-koda-hermanos.jpg[/IMG] Personal growth occurs throughout life, constantly and often independently of the person's will. On the other hand, although it is a progressive process, in which experiences count a lot, the progression is not usually linear, combining small and large advances with small and large setbacks. On the other hand, the passage from childhood to adulthood is a process full of challenges. It is characterized by a paradigm shift, especially marked by the assumption of responsibilities. To exemplify this process, we will take the animated film Brother Bear. We will go into it in more detail below. Brother Bear, the story of a manBrother Bear was an animated film released in 2003. It tells the story of young Kenai, who is about to become an adult. During his entrance ceremony into adulthood, Kenai expects to receive a wooden totem. This totem, assigned by the great spirits, will indicate to Kenai that trait that will guide his actions for the rest of his life. However, Kenai suffers a great disappointment when the meaning of his totem is revealed to him. It was carved by the Great Spirits as a bear, and represents love. Kenai had hoped to receive a totem of courage, following in the footsteps of his brothers. His brother Sitka's totem represents guidance, while his brother Denahi's totem represents wisdom. Angry and frustrated, Kenai sets off in pursuit of a bear that has just eaten the village fish. Sitka and Denahi follow him, but an accident occurs and Sitka is killed. Kenai wants revenge, so he chases and kills the bear. However, Sitka's spirit intervenes. The magic of the Great Spirits turns Kenai into a bear. Kenai, turned into a bear, finds himself alone and disoriented in the forest. There he meets the little bear cub Koda, who lost his mother. Kenai and Koda must embark on a journey together to Salmon Falls. In that place is located a mountain where the Great Spirits touch the earth. Only there can the spell be broken and Kenai become human again. During this journey, Kenai will understand the true meaning of family. In addition, he will assume the responsibilities of an adult, such as taking care of the younger ones. Kenai will strengthen his relationship with his brother Denahi. At the end of the film, Kenai decides to remain a bear. He considers that between his two brothers, Denahi and little Koda, it is Koda who needs him the most. "Love is very powerful. This is the story of a boy who became a man...by becoming a bear." -Denahi, Brother Bear The Journey of Personal GrowthSeveral films show the personal growth of their characters in the context of a long adventurous journey. Brother Bear is one such film. In everyday life, such great journeys rarely happen. However, personal growth can easily be compared to a journey. It is a long-term project that has no end. This project is composed of a series of goals and objectives. Some of these goals may be set at the beginning of the journey and others may emerge throughout life. Personal goals vary according to our skills, abilities and interests. Life can be compared to a long and exciting journey. As time passes and we advance along the path, we begin to add possibilities. These possibilities, in turn, will modify our path, passing through moments of sadness, but also moments of great happiness and satisfaction. Learning along the wayOur path widens as we join different people and accumulate experiences. Many young people think that being an adult is a static classification with certain fixed characteristics. Although being an adult entails certain given social responsibilities, these are not the only characteristics that define an adult. Thus, adulthood is a state of constant learning. The inner growth of the adult is focused on improving his or her quality of life. As we grow up, we realize that our actions lead to certain reactions from our environment. It is about identifying the stimuli that generate certain responses, so that our actions win when they are coherent with what we hope to obtain. In part, being an adult implies understanding that each person has his or her own processes and challenges. The most important thing is to analyze our own actions and thoughts to identify our motivations. If we act according to what motivates us, we will be able to set life goals and objectives that are consistent with our values and expectations. The importance of the support network for personal growthA support network is the group of people with whom we maintain a relationship over time, complicity and trust. This group of people is emotionally significant for us and is willing to support us. A support network provides help in difficult moments, so that with the help of the people who form it, the complicated moments are not so complicated. A support network can consist of family and friends. The members of our support network have our complete trust. In an effective interpersonal relationship, we are part of the support network of each of the members of our network. Thus, collaboration is reciprocal and bidirectional. To establish functional support networks, communication is the most important part. Communication allows us to understand the behavior and motivations of others. Thus, a support network must be based on communication and trust. Communication allows the support network to adapt to the personal growth of each of its members as their goals and skills change. Growth occurs progressively, not as a sudden act. Thus, the passage from childhood to adulthood is a gradual process. During this process, family and friends act as pillars on which the individual can rely if needed. It must be remembered that every young person must go through a period of self-knowledge and reflection. "No matter what you decide. You will always be my little brother." -Denahi, Brother Bear You might be interested in...
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Jan 26, 2022
6:35 AM
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Jan 27, 2022
2:26 AM
Intuition and instinct: two powerful but different capabilities [url=https://www.rxshopmd.com/products/antinarcoleptic/buy-modafinil-modalert/]modafinil modalert[/url] ?»?Intuition and instinct: two powerful but different capabilities [IMG]https://lamenteesmaravillosa.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/rostros-de-colores-1.png[/IMG] Intuition and instinct are not the same. While the latter shapes a behavior oriented to allow us to survive, the former traces a deeper meaning in our species by providing us with an inner voice that helps us make better decisions. Thus, although the two dimensions do not have a common origin, they help us to respond much better to daily challenges. To understand this difference a little better, let's think of two wonderful literary characters. Robinson Crusoe is that brave sailor from York who, after being isolated on an island for 28 years following a shipwreck, uses his most basic instincts to survive an eventful and complex situation. Sherlock Holmes, on the other hand, is the best reference of a mind accustomed to make use of his police instinct, of those almost unconscious, agile and accurate deductions with which to solve the most challenging enigmas. "There are situations that people solve with their instinct, but which they cannot comment on with their intelligence." -Alexander Dumas Thus, what is undoubtedly most interesting about these two competencies or behaviors is that we apply them both equally in our day-to-day lives without hardly realizing it. However, only intuition is characteristic of human beings. Knowing how to use both approaches in the best way, and to our advantage, can help us to thrive with greater confidence, to better manage fears and stress, to use our experience and capabilities to have a more meaningful life. Let's take a look at some more facts below. Intuition and instinct, between biology and perceptionIntuition and instinct are not the same thing, although we often make the mistake of using both terms interchangeably. Thus, it is very common to make use of them in those contexts where our sensations or emotions guide us in one direction or another. Phrases such as "my instinct tells me" and "my intuition tells me" are undoubtedly a clear example of this small conceptual error that is worth clarifying for one very clear reason: for our personal benefit. From a biological point of view an instinct is an innate behavior. They are our internal needs and those behaviors that allow us to subsist in a given environment. Thus, instincts such as conservation, protection, sociability, reproduction, cooperation or curiosity are very basic faculties that define not only human beings, but also most animals. Now, it is curious how, starting in the 20th century and with the development of modern psychology, the concept of instinct began to be seen as something uncomfortable. It was like that link that united us to an almost wild version of the human being, a dimension that was best repressed or camouflaged with other labels. Thus, figures such as Abraham Maslow began to popularize terms like "desire" or "motivation" to symbolize these inner needs of each of us. Now, in the 21st century, this conception has changed considerably. Intuition and instinct are once again highly valued, and as far as the latter dimension is concerned, the reformulation of instinct is as interesting as it is revealing. Thus, names such as Dr. Hendrie Weisinger, influential clinical psychologist and author of the book The Genius of Instinct, explain to us that instincts are neither dark nor primitive. They are not something to repress. If we learn to use them to our advantage, we will be able to handle factors such as stress or fear much better. Moreover, enhancing instincts such as compassion, caring, or kindness would allow us to create more enriching and meaningful environments. Because beyond what it may seem, the "compassionate instinct" or kindness exists in each of us, as revealed in a study by Professor Dacher Keltner of the University of California, Berkeley. Some people think that intuition is a set of sensations that give us a clue about something. Well, it must be said that this dimension does not respond to magical processes or sensory perceptions, but rather to "cognitive perceptions". Carl Jung himself defined the intuitive person as someone who can anticipate certain events or situations using his own unconscious material. Now, this unconscious material is the result of everything we are, of everything we have lived, seen and experienced. It is the essence of our being, a chest of compressed information to which the brain resorts to obtain quick answers, those that do not pass through the filter of an objective analysis. Thus, as striking as it may seem to us, experts tell us that going by what intuition tells us is as positive as it is advisable. In fact, researchers at the University of New South Wales conducted a study to show that listening to this inner voice can help us in our decision-making processes. Psychologists Galang Lufityanto, Chris Donkin and Joel Pearson published their findings in the journal Psychological Science. This work concludes once again with something that the scientific world and the field of psychology had already advanced: making use of unconscious information allows us not only to make quicker decisions, but also to lead a life more in line with our needs and personality. To conclude, we already know that intuition and instinct do not share the same origin: instinct has a biological basis, while intuition is the result of our experience and the development of consciousness. However, both actually have an undeniable common purpose: to enable us to be more attuned to our reality, to survive in it effectively, to anticipate risks and to shape a more connected and satisfying life. Let's listen to them and put them at our service. You might be interested in...
The Sixth Sense: the voice of intuition that guides us through life The sixth sense is the natural human capacity for intuition. We speak of that inner voice that comes to us from the lucidity of hunches. https://www.rxshopmd.com/products/antinarcoleptic/buy-armodafinil-artvigil/ [url=http://forum.zp.ua/forum/41703-get-over-breakup-change-your-mindset.html#post436767]To get over a breakup, change your mindset[/url] [url=http://forum.lizzardco.com/showthread.php?tid=97298&pid=181218#pid181218]The importance of care[/url] [url=http://www.scstateroleplay.com/thread-15742.html]The Pomodoro Technique, a superb method for managing your time.[/url] 8814b68
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Jan 27, 2022
2:38 PM
Do you know what bud sex is? [url=https://www.rxshopmd.com/products/antinarcoleptic/buy-modafinil-modalert/]can i buy modafinil over the counter[/url] ?»?Do you know what bud sex is? [IMG]https://lamenteesmaravillosa.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/hombre-mirandose.jpg[/IMG] Bud sex is a new concept in the field of sexual relations. It is a term used to refer to the sexual practice between heterosexual men for pleasure and who also claim to be straight. Many consider it impossible to engage in bud sex without being homosexual, while others see it as sexual activity for pleasure. The point is that those who practice it defend their heterosexuality, in some cases even have a partner and children, and explain that they simply do it to satisfy their instincts. What is bud sex? The phenomenon of bud sex has come to light as a result of research carried out by sociologist Tony Silva of the University of Otago. This study consisted of an analysis of this practice among men in a rural population. In fact, from their testimonies, Professor Silva pointed out some of the main characteristics on which this type of relationship is based, as well as the meaning it has for the actors themselves. Tony Silva explained that the objective was to study bud sex and relate it to the multiple factors that affect sexual identity, such as culture, social context, place, historical moment and personal interpretations. According to the data obtained in the research, participants in this sexual practice selected their partners based on masculinity, race and sexual identity. That is, many of the men chose other men who were "masculine," of their race (white, since the study was conducted with this population) and heterosexual or, secretly, bisexual. In this way, they normalized the encounters as straight and normatively masculine (despite having sex between men), since the choice of people like them makes them feel that they are "moving away" from homosexuality. Characteristics of Bud SexIn bud sex there is no romanticism, although it is true that some emotional bonds can be created; because its members establish the foundations of their relationship in complicity and friendship. In fact, they usually share hobbies, comments about politics, women, etc. In this way, sex serves as an additional element to the relationship. "Sex without love only relieves the abyss that exists between two human beings momentarily." -Erich Fromm Another of the fundamental characteristics of bud sex is the secrecy surrounding this practice. Most of the subjects interviewed acknowledged that they needed it to be carried out in secret. Thus, we find that the fundamental pillar is not so much what they do with each other, but how they do it. Those who practice bud sex maintain a non-romantic and hidden relationship and interpret sexual acts from the existing heternormativity to reaffirm their masculinity. Thus, the profiles of men who engage in this sexual practice are usually white, heterosexual men, generally married with children, in their 50s, who have internalized heteronormativity and masculine rules for a long time. Typically, they have lived in a time when it was difficult to express any other type of sexual desire. Moreover, they understand masculinity as a trait devoid of feminine characteristics, based on gender stereotypes. Homophobic discourseDespite having a sexual relationship with a man, most of them maintain a homophobic discourse. The rejection of the feminine is evident at the moment of choosing a sexual partner. In fact, effeminate-looking men are rejected. The fact of seeing themselves with another male who makes homosexuality more openly visible, provokes in them a vision of themselves that does not agree with what they have learned. On the other hand, this homophobic thinking may arise from previous stereotypical thinking regarding male and female roles. That is, feminine attributes have been considered inferior. Male attributes, on the other hand, have been valued much more positively. In conclusion, bud sex is a practice exercised by some men to express their sexual desire. A desire they have been deprived of for some time. However, learned morals and internalized norms guide their behavior. Thus, the way they practice it and the profile of their sexual partner allow a reaffirmation of their beliefs. You might be interested in...
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Jan 28, 2022
5:36 AM
Expressionism: the art of intensity and emotion [url=https://www.rxshopmd.com/products/antinarcoleptic/buy-modafinil-modalert/]modafinil for sale online[/url] ?»?Expressionism: the art of intensity and emotion [IMG]https://lamenteesmaravillosa.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/cuadro-kandinsky.jpg[/IMG] Art is wonderful: each work of art transmits a different magic to us, whether we are connoisseurs or not. It has something to tell us and something to make us feel. Throughout the years there have been important artistic movements that have stood out for their beauty and among them is expressionism. This movement has left a strong and defined mark. Its apparent simplicity is not at odds with its depth and visual beauty; besides, something curious stands out in this movement: its close link with intuition. The particularity with which the artists of expressionism deformed reality is one of the factors that make this movement unique. With this article we invite you to take a trip with us to expressionism, giving way to a world full of colors and emotions. We show you here its origins, what it is about, what are its characteristics and some artists associated with this movement. "Painting is a state of being; each artist paints what he is." -Jackson Pollock What is expressionism about? Expressionism is an avant-garde artistic and cultural movement that originated in Berlin in the 20th century and encompassed music, dance, theater, film, and literature, among other types of art. Although it began in Berlin, expressionist art was not exclusively located there: there is Nordic, French and Spanish expressionist art, among others. It is interesting to see this form of creativity replicated in different places. It is important to note that there is a great diversity of manifestations within this particular type of art. This is because each group and artist worked from their own perspective. Thus, we can observe from exaggeratedly colorful tendencies, to the most abstract forms of Expressionism. To speak of expressionism is to speak of an art of renewal, intuition and emotion. For this reason, a great subjectivity is reflected in the works. In fact, unlike the impressionists, the expressionists focus relatively little on reality. Characteristics of expressionismLike every artistic movement, expressionism has certain particularities. And, although they are difficult to establish because of the variety in the works, they can be recognized. Here are some of them: Deformation of reality. They did not capture reality; they expressed what was happening to them. They gave a more subjective vision and therefore more of their own. Interior vision. Artists did not rely on the imitation of everyday life, but rather focused on what came from within; therefore, it is an intuitive art. Expression. Emphasis was placed on emotions and thoughts. A sample, therefore, of the nature of the human being. Dramatic charge. Man's vital anguish is presented through its manifestations. Likewise, creation is approached from a critical position, with great intensity and with a certainly pessimistic tinge. The most important value in this movement is freedom of expression, but focused on emotions. Thus, the artist tends to show the viewer his feelings in a markedly intense way; he seeks to find the deepest part of himself, and expresses it in his works in a beautiful effort of creativity. However, the moments of tension brought about by the political context in which this current developed provoked a cry of protest in the population. For this reason, the expressionists reflect a feeling of tearfulness and frustration in their works. Outstanding expressionistsThere are several expressionist pictorial authors. We find, among others, to: Otto Mueller. He was a Polish painter who joined the expressionist group Die Br??cke. He is known for his typical nude paintings. The Nazis considered his paintings as degenerate, so they confiscated them. Wasily Kandinsky. He is known for his abstract art, in which the richness of color and simplification prevails. Jackson Pollock. He was characterized by his original style in abstract art, and by the action painting, according to which among other things the paint is poured spontaneously by the artist. Paul Klee. He was a German painter. His tool was also color; his works are full of movement, rhythm, nature and color. Egon Shciele. He was a radical expressionist, who drew the human figure and swept away social conventions. In his works, he aggressively distorted nudes. Now, in terms of literature, one of the most prominent was Franz Kafka, a Czech writer who showed the uncertainties and anguish of the human being in his works. Also, Thomas Mann, with his works full of intention, delved into a speculative and pessimistic world; his most important work was The Magic Mountain. Robert Wiene, a silent film director who reflected on the political environment with his film The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, stood out in cinema. Outside the cinema, Bruno Taut, who used colors as a psychological element, stood out in architecture. In expressionist sculpture, Erns Barlach and Jabob Epstein can be mentioned. The former is known for his bronze and wood sculptures, most of which were against the war and were also labeled as degenerate in the Nazi era. Epstein, on the other hand, was known for the great controversy caused by his works, such as 'The Tomb of Oscar Wilde', which was considered obscene. Where can we contemplate expressionist art? Here are some places where you can enjoy this artistic current in all its splendor. Something interesting is that there are museums that have online galleries, so that contemplate this art, if you can not move, becomes an easy mission. Br??cke museum. It is one of the most important museums of this subject. It is located in Berlin and contains the largest collection of expressionist artists. Museum of Jorge Rando. It is the first expressionist museum in Spain. It is located in Malaga and has a room dedicated to the neo-expressionist author Jorge Rando. Galleries and museums of abstract expressionism. There is a web page called The Art Story, which contains a list of the main places where this type of art is reflected. Guggenheim Museum. This museum is located in New York and contains wonderful expressionist works by artists such as Max Ernst, Wasily Kandinsky and Paul Klee. It also has an unparalleled online collection. Expressionism is, therefore, an emotionally charged movement that shows us a very deep side of the human being. The diversity of this movement can make us marvel at its many nuances. Each author is different, and invites us to contemplate his own language full of messages. Definitely, it is an intense current with an authentic seal. You might be interested in...
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