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Functional foods and processing
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Aug 17, 2023
8:28 PM
Cong ty Co Phan Duoc Takeda
Chuyen cung cap cac dong san pham: Thuoc, Thuc pham chuc nang, Thuc pham bao ve suc khoe va thuc pham bo sung.
Dia chi: So 84, Kham Thien, Dong Da, Ha Noi.
Website: https://takeda.vn/
MST/DKKD/QDTL: 0110137889
Mail: nhamaysxtpcn@gmail.com
Hotline: 0329016668 /
#Takeda, #Thucphamchucnang, #thuoc, #Vientieudem


Functional foods and processing:

1. Functional foods (food supplements):
Functional foods are products that have the function of supplementing nutrition, supporting health, and maintaining or improving a person's state of health. They often contain nutritional ingredients, natural or chemical compounds that have the potential to improve some aspect of health. Functional foods may include vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, probiotics, or other ingredients to support body function or reduce the risk of disease (During the process: gia cong thuc pham chuc nang takeda ).

2. Importance of functional foods in supporting health and nutrition:

Nutritional supplements: Functional foods can help supplement nutrients needed by the body when it is not enough through daily food.
Health Support: Ingredients in dietary supplements can help improve body function, aid digestion, strengthen the immune system, and improve skin condition.
Disease prevention: Some dietary supplements are designed to reduce the risk of diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and age-related disease.
Disease management: Functional foods can assist patients in managing their health conditions, such as diabetics using dietary supplements to control blood sugar.
3. Process of processing functional foods:
The functional food processing process includes many steps to create a finished product from starting materials. A reputable functional food processing factory usually performs the following steps:
See more: https://takeda.vn/thuoc-tpcn/

Research and development: Identify key ingredients and formulas for new products based on scientific research and market requirements.
Procurement of ingredients: Select and purchase high-quality ingredients from trusted suppliers.
Mixing and manufacturing: Combine ingredients according to defined formulas to create quality products.
Quality control: Conduct quality tests to ensure products meet nutrition and safety standards.
Packaging and Marking: The product is properly packaged and marked with information on ingredients, directions for use, and expiry date.
Final inspection: Re-inspect the product before putting it on the market to ensure the final quality.
Distribution: Products are packaged and distributed to stores, pharmacies, or other retail channels.
Reputable food processing factories usually adhere to strict quality standards, have a good quality control system, and stay up to date with advances in nutrition and health to ensure their products meet demand of customer.

Last Edited by lispharmavn on Jul 03, 2024 9:00 PM
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